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    发表于 2016-9-23 10:37:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    作者:dennis丁雷 QQ:1160577904E-mail:dinglei618@hotmail.com
    第 1 章  前言 Foreword
    EMC2 is modular and flexible. These attributes lead many to seeit as a confusing jumble of little
    things and wonder why it is the way it is. This page attempts to answer thatquestion before you
    get into the thick of things.
    EMC started at the National Institute of Standards andTechnology in the USA. It grew up using
    Unix as it’s operating system. Unix made it different. Among early Unixdevelopers there grew a set
    of code writing ideas that some call the Unix way. These early EMC authorsfollowed those ways.
    早期Unix开发者规定了一些代码编写的原则或方法,称为Unix编程方法(Unix way),EMC项目的作者们遵循了这
    Eric S. Raymond, in his book The Art of Unix Programming, summarizesthe Unix philosophy
    as the widely-used engineering philosophy, "Keep it Simple, Stupid"(KISS Principle).
    He then describes how he believes this overall philosophy is applied as acultural Unix
    norm, although unsurprisingly it is not difficult to find severe violations ofmost of the
    following in actual Unix practice:
    * Rule of Modularity: Write simple parts connected by clean interfaces.
    * Rule of Clarity: Clarity is better than cleverness.
    * Rule of Composition: Design programs to be connected to other programs.
    * Rule of Separation: Separate policy from mechanism; separate interfaces fromengines.
        EricS. Raymond在他的著作《The Art ofUnix Programming》中把Unix的哲学上升为普遍适用的工程哲学,
    即“KISS原则”(Keepit Simple, Stupid)(保持简单化、傻瓜化)。然后他描述了这个KISS原则和Unix规范
    Mr Raymond offered several more rules but these four describeessential characteristics of the EMC2
    motion control system.
    The Modularity rule is critical. Throughout these handbooks youwill find talk of the interpreter or
    task planner or motion or HAL. Each of these is a module or collection ofmodules. It’s modularity
    that allows you to connect together just the parts you need to run yourmachine.
    The Clarity rule is essential. EMC2 is a work in progress – itis not finished nor will it ever be. It is
    complete enough to run most of the machines we want it to run. Much of thatprogress is achieved
    because many users and code developers are able to look at the work of othersand build on what
    they have done.
    The Composition rule allows us to build a predictable controlsystem from the many modules
    available by making them connectable. We achieve connectability by setting upstandard interfaces
    to sets of modules and following those standards.
    The Separation rule requires that we make distinct parts that dolittle things. By separating functions
    debugging is much easier and replacement modules can be dropped into the systemand
    comparisons easily made.
    What does the Unix way mean for you as a user of EMC2. It meansthat you are able to make choices
    about how you will use the system. Many of these choices are a part of machineintegration, but many
    also affect the way you will use your machine. As you read you will find manyplaces where
    you will need to make comparisons. Eventually you will make choices, "I’lluse this interface rather
    than that” or, “I’ll write part offsets this way rather than that way."Throughout these handbooks
    we describe the range of abilities currently available.
    As you begin your journey into using EMC2 we offer twocautionary notes:2
    Praphrasing the words of Doug Gwyn on UNIX: "emc2 was not designed to stopits users from
    doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from doing cleverthings."
    Likewise the words of Steven King: "emc2 is user-friendly. It just isn’tpromiscuous about
    which users it’s friendly with."
    第 2 章  EMC2 The Enhanced Machine Control
      2.1  关于本手册
    The focus ofthis manual is on using EMC. It is intended to be used once EMC is installedand
    configured. For standard installations see the Getting Started Guide for stepby step instructions
    to get you up and going. For detailed information on installation andconfiguration of EMC see the
    Integrator Manual.
        本手册的焦点是如何使用EMC2 。当EMC2安装并配置完毕后应当阅读本手册。关于简易安装EMC2的问题,请参见
    入门手册“Getting Started Guide”。关于安装和配置的详细信息,请参见综合手册“Integrator Manual”。
      2.2  EMC2如何工作
    The EnhancedMachine Controller (EMC2) is a lot more than just another CNC mill program. It
    can control machine tools, robots, or other automated devices. It can controlservo motors, stepper
    motors, relays, and other devices related to machine tools.
    There are fourmain components to the EMC2 software: a motion controller, a discrete I/Ocontroller,
    a task executor which coordinates them, and graphical user interfaces. In additionthere is
    a layer called HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) which allows configuration ofEMC2 without the
    need of recompiling.
    另外还有一个硬件抽象层HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer),有了HAL,无需重新编译EMC2,就可以按照实际
    Figure 2.1 showsa simple block diagram showing what a typical 3-axis EMC2 system might look
    like. This diagram shows a stepper motor system. The PC, running Linux as itsoperating system,
    is actually controlling the stepper motor drives by sending signals through theprinter port. These
    signals (pulses) make the stepper drives move the stepper motors. The EMC2 canalso run servo
    motors via servo interface cards or by using an extended parallel port toconnect with external
    control boards. As we examine each of the components that make up an EMC2system we will
    remind the reader of this typical machine.
      2.3  用户接口
    A user interfaceis the part of the EMC2 that the machine tool operator interacts with. The EMC2
    comes with several types of user interfaces:
    AXIS an OpenGL-based GUI (Graphical User Interface), with an interactive G-Codepreviewer.
    This interface is one of the few that are still under active development andimprovement.
    Keystick a character-based screen graphics program suitable for minimalinstallations (without
    the X server running).
    Xemc an X Windows program
    two Tcl/Tk-based GUIs named TkEMC and Mini
    a HAL based user interface called halui, which allows to control emc2 usingknobs and
    a telnet based user interface called emcrsh, which allows commands to be sentto emc2 from
    remote computers
        AXIS 界面:是一个基于“OpenGL”的图形用户界面,有一个交互式的G代码预览器。AXIS界面目前仍然处
    键盘操作。如果目标系统没有X server,还想使用EMC2的话,就只能用这个将就了。
        Xemc界面:一个X Windows的图形用户界面。
    2.4  语言
    EMC2 usestranslation files to translate EMC User Interfaces into many languages. Youjust need to
    log in with the language you intend to use and when you start up EMC it comesup in that language.
    If your language has not been translated contact a developer on the IRC or themailing list if you
    can assist in the translation.
    2.5  像机床操作员一样思考
    This book will noteven pretend that it can teach you to run a mill or a lathe. Becoming amachinist
    takes time and hard work. An author once said, "We learn from experience,if at all." Broken tools,
    gouged vices, and scars are the evidence of lessons taught. Good part finish,close tolerances, and
    careful work are the evidence of lessons learned. No machine, no computerprogram, can take the
    place of human experience.
    As you begin towork with the EMC2 program, you will need to place yourself in the position of
    operator. You need to think of yourself in the role of the one in charge of amachine. It is a machine
    that is either waiting for your command or executing the command that you havejust given it.
    Throughout these pages we will give information that will help you become agood operator of the
    EMC2 mill. You will need some information right up front here so that thefollowing pages will make
    sense to you.
    2.6  操作方式 Modes of Operation
    When an EMC2 isrunning, there are three different major modes used for inputting commands.
    These are Manual, Auto, and MDI. Changing from one mode to another makes a bigdifference in
    the way that the EMC2 behaves. There are specific things that can be done inone mode that can
    not be done in another. An operator can home an axis in manual mode but not inauto or MDI
    modes. An operator can cause the machine to execute a whole file full ofG-codes in the auto mode
    but not in manual or MDI.
        当一个EMC2系统运行时,输入命令的方式主要有三种:手动、自动、MDI。在这三种方式下,EMC2 的行为表
    In manual mode,each command is entered separately. In human terms a manual command might
    be "turn on coolant" or "jog X at 25 inches per minute".These are roughly equivalent to flipping a
    switch or turning the hand wheel for an axis. These commands are normallyhandled on one of the
    graphical interfaces by pressing a button with the mouse or holding down a keyon the keyboard.
    In auto mode, a similar button or key press might be used to load or start therunning of a whole
    program of G-code that is stored in a file. In the MDI mode the operator mighttype in a block of
    code and tell the machine to execute it by pressing the <return> or<enter> key on the keyboard.
    Some motioncontrol commands are available and will cause the same changes in motion in all
    modes. These include ABORT, ESTOP, and FEED RATE OVERRIDE. Commands like theseshould be
    self explanatory.
    The AXIS userinterface hides some of the distinctions between Auto and the other modes bymaking
    Auto-commands available at most times. It also blurs the distinction betweenManual and MDI
    because some Manual commands like Touch Off are actually implemented by sendingMDI commands.
    It does this by automatically changing to the mode that is needed for theaction the user
    has requested.
        有些运动控制命令在所有操作方式下均可使用,效果也相同。包括ABORT、 ESTOP、FEED RATE OVERRIDE等。
    自动命令,从而隐藏了自动方式和其它两种方式的区别;它也淡化了手动方式和MDI方式的区别,像“Touch Off”
    第 3 章  用户概念 User Concepts
    This chaptercovers important user concepts that should be understood before attempting torun a
    CNC machine with g code.
    3.1  轨迹控制 Trajectory Control
    3.1.1  轨迹规划 Trajectory Planning
    Trajectoryplanning, in general, is the means by which EMC follows the path specified byyour G
    Code program, while still operating within the limits of your machinery.
    A G Code program can never be fully obeyed. For example imagine you specify asa single-line
    program the following move:
    G1 X1 F10 (G1 islinear move, X1 is the destination, F10 is the speed)
    In reality, thewhole move can’t be made at F10, since the machine must accelerate from a stop,
    move toward X=1, and then decelerate to stop again. Sometimes part of the moveis done at F10,
    but for many moves, especially short ones, the specified feed rate is neverreached at all. Having
    short moves in your G Code can cause your machine to slow down and speed up forthe longer
    moves if the "naive cam detector" is not employed with G64 Pn.
    The basicacceleration and deceleration described above is not complex and there is nocompromise
    to be made. In the INI file the specified machine constraints such as maximumaxis velocity and
    axis acceleration must be obeyed by the trajectory planner.
        G1 X1 F10 (G1 表示线性移动, X1 是目的位置, F10 代表速度)
        事实上,这个动作不可能完全以F10的速度完成,因为机床必须从静止开始加速,向 X=1的位置进发,在要
    到达目标位置之前还要减速最后停止。这样就只有部分运动是以F10完成的,如果路程比较短,可能 F10这个速
    度根本就不会达到。在“G64 Pn”的方式下,如果不指定“ naive cam detector”参数即“Q-”参数,则采用
    3.1.2  路径跟随 Path Following
    A lessstraightforward problem is that of path following. When you program a corner inG Code, the
    trajectory planner can do several things, all of which are right in some cases:it can decelerate to a
    stop exactly at the coordinates of the corner, and then accelerate in the newdirection. It can also do
    what is called blending, which is to keep the feed rate up while going throughthe corner, making it
    necessary to round the corner off in order to obey machine constraints. You cansee that there is a
    trade off here: you can slow down to get better path following, or keep thespeed up and have worse
    path following. Depending on the particular cut, the material, the tooling,etc., the programmer
    may want to compromise differently.
    Rapid moves also obey the current trajectory control. With moves long enough toreach maximum
    velocity on a machine with low acceleration and no path tolerance specified,you can get a fairly
    round corner.
        路径跟随的问题要稍微简单一些。当你用 G代码设计的产品有个棱角的时候,轨迹规划器有几种不同的轨迹
        快速加工也遵循当前采用的轨迹控制方式。比如采用 G64方式,不指定误差条件,且加速度较低时,让机床
    3.1.3  编程确定轨迹规划方式 Programming the Planner
    The trajectorycontrol commands are as follows:
    G61 (Exact PathMode) visits the programmed point exactly, even though that means it might
    temporarily come to a complete stop in order to change direction to the nextprogrammed
    G61.1 (Exact Stop Mode) tells the planner to come to an exact stop at everysegment’s end.
    G64 (BlendWithout Tolerance Mode) G64 is the default setting when you start EMC. G64 isjust
    blending and the naive cam detector is not enabled. G64 and G64P0 tell theplanner to sacrifice
    path following accuracy in order to keep the feed rate up. This is necessaryfor some
    types of material or tooling where exact stops are harmful, and can work greatas long as the
    programmer is careful to keep in mind that the tool’s path will be somewhatmore curvy than
    the program specifies. When using G0 (rapid) moves with G64 use caution onclearance moves
    and allow enough distance to clear obstacles based on the accelerationcapabilities of your
    naive camdetector”功能。“G64”和“G64 P0”是一样的效果,都是告诉轨迹规划器牺牲路径跟随的精度,
    采用这种方式加工出的圆角可能和设计值有一定偏差,曲率会大一点。当使用“G0 G64”组合进行快速加工时,
    G64 P- Q- (BlendWith Tolerance Mode) This enables the "naive cam detector" andenables blending
    with a tolerance. If you program G64 P0.05, you tell the planner that you wantcontinuous
    feed, but at programmed corners you want it to slow down enough so that the toolpath can
    stay within 0.05 user units of the programmed path. The exact amount ofslowdown depends
    on the geometry of the programmed corner and the machine constraints, but theonly thing
    the programmer needs to worry about is the tolerance. This gives the programmercomplete
    control over the path following compromise. The blend tolerance can be changedthroughout
    the program as necessary. Beware that a specification of G64 P0 has the sameeffect as G64
    alone (above), which is necessary for backward compatibility for old G Codeprograms. See the
    G Code Chapter for more information on G64 P- Q-.
        G64 P- Q- :附加误差条件的混合方式。其中“Q-”参数将打开“naive cam detector”功能,“P-”参
    数指定误差条件。程序代码“ G64 P0.05”指示轨迹规划器采用连续加工方式(即混合方式blending),但要
    的是“G64 P0”和“G64”是一样效果,它只是为了和旧G代码程序保持兼容而设计的。参考 G代码相关的章节
    可以获得更多关于“G64 P- Q-”的信息。
    Blending withouttolerance The controlled point will touch each specified movement at at least
    one point. The machine will never move at such a speed that it cannot come toan exact stop
    at the end of the current movement (or next movement, if you pause whenblending has already
    started). The distance from the end point of the move is as large as it needsto be to keep up
    the best contouring feed.
    Naive CamDetector Successive G1 moves that involve only the XYZ axes that deviate lessthan
    Q- from a straight line are merged into a single straight line. This mergedmovement replaces
    the individual G1 movements for the purposes of blending with tolerance.
    Betweensuccessive movements, the controlled point will pass no more than P- from theactual
    endpoints of the movements. The controlled point will touch at least one pointon each movement.
    The machine will never move at such a speed that it cannot come to an exactstop at the end of
    the current movement (or next movement, if you pause when blending has alreadystarted)
    On G2/3 moves inthe G17 (XY) plane when the maximum deviation of an arc from a straight line
    is less than the G64 Q- tolerance the arc is broken into two lines (from startof arc to midpoint,
    and from midpoint to end). those lines are then subject to the naive camalgorithm for lines. Thus,
    line-arc, arc-arc, and arc-line cases as well as line-line benefit from the"naive cam detector".
    This improves contouring performance by simplifying the path.
        Naive Cam Detector:在连续的运动之间,当后面的G1直线运动代码坐标只含XYZ轴时,如果该运动偏离
    直线运动(起点到圆弧中点、圆弧中点到圆弧终点)代替,而这两个直线运动也适用“naive cam detector”
    “naive camdetector”算法的好处,简化了路径,提高了轮廓加工的性能。
    In the followingfigure the blue line represents the actual machine velocity. The red lines arethe
    acceleration capability of the machine. The horizontal lines below each plot isthe planned move.
    The upper plot shows how the trajectory planner will slow the machine down whenshort moves are
    encountered to stay within the limits of the machines acceleration setting tobe able to come to an
    exact stop at the end of the next move. The bottom plot shows the effect of theNaive Cam Detector
    to combine the moves and do a better job of keeping the velocity as planned.
    参数的限制情况给机床减速直至停止;下图显示的是采用“Naive Cam Detector”算法的效果,重组了运动并
    3.1.4  规划“移动”(最小运动段距离计算)    Planning Moves
    Make sure movesare "long enough" to suit your machine/material. Principally becauseof the rule
    that "the machine will never move at such a speed that it cannot come to acomplete stop at the
    end of the current movement", there is a minimum movement length that willallow the machine to
    keep up a requested feed rate with a given acceleration setting.
    The accelerationand deceleration phase each use half the ini file MAX_ACCELERATION. In a blend
    that is an exact reversal, this causes the total axis acceleration to equal theini file MAX_ACCELERATION.
    In other cases, the actual machine acceleration is somewhat less than the inifile acceleration
    To keep up feedrate, the move must be longer than the distance it takes to accelerate from 0to the
    desired feed rate and then stop again. Using A as 1/2 the ini fileMAX_ACCELERATION and F as
    the feed rate *in units per second*, the acceleration time is ta = F/A and theacceleration distance
    is da = 1/2*F*ta the deceleration time and distance are the same, making thecritical distance d
    = da + dd = 2*da = F^2 / A.
    For example, for a feed rate of 1 inch per second and an acceleration of 10inch/sec^2, the critical
    distance is 1^2 / 10 = .1 inch. For a feed rate of .5 inch per second, thecritical distance is .5^2 /
    10 = .025 inch.
        A = 1/2*MAX_ACCELERATION
        F为需要达到的速度,单位是 units每秒(“units per second”),units是英寸或毫米。
        则加速时间 ta = F/A ,加速距离是 da = 1/2*F*ta ,减速时间和距离同加速时间和距离相同,则总距离为:
        d = da + dd = 2 * da = F * F / A
    3.2  G代码
    3.2.1  默认配置
    When EMC firststarts up many G and M codes are loaded by default. The current active G and M
    codes can be viewed on the MDI tab in the "Active G-Codes:" window inthe AXIS interface. These
    G and M codes define the behavior of EMC and it is important that youunderstand what each one
    does before running EMC. The defaults can be changed when running a G-Code fileand left in a
    different state than when you started your EMC session. The best practice is toset the defaults
    needed for the job in the preamble of your G-Code file and not assume that thedefaults have not
    changed. Printing out the G-Code Quick Reference (15.2) page can help youremember what each
    one is.
        EMC2启动时,一些G代码和M代码会默认启动。在“AXIS”界面的MDI页的“Active G-Codes:”窗口里可以
    3.2.2  进给速度 Feed Rate
    How the feedrate is applied depends on if an axis involved with the move is a rotary axis.Read and
    understand the Feed Rate section (9.2.5) if you have a rotary axis or a lathe.
    3.2.3  刀具半径补偿
    Tool RadiusOffset (G41/42) requires that the tool be able to touch somewhere along eachprogrammed
    move without gouging the two adjacent moves. If that is not possible with thecurrent tool
    diameter you will get an error. A smaller diameter tool may run without anerror on the same path.
    This means you can program a cutter to pass down a path that is narrower thanthe cutter without
    any errors. See the Tool Compensation Section (11.3) for more information.
    3.3  原点复归 Homing
    After startingEMC2 each axis must be homed prior to running a program or running a MDIcommand.
    If you want to deviate from the default behavior, or want to use the Miniinterface you will need to
    set the option NO_FORCE_HOMING = 1 in the [TRAJ] section of your ini file. Moreinformation on
    homing can be found in the Integrators Manual.
    用Mini界面,可以在ini文件的“TRAJ”参数段设置“NO_FORCE_HOMING = 1”达到目的。关于原点复归的详细
    信息参见综合手册“Integrators Manual”。
    3.4  刀具更换 Tool Changes
    There areseveral options when doing manual tool changes. See the [EMCIO] section of theIntegrators
    Manual for information on configuration of these options. Also see the G28 andG30 section of
    the User Manual.
        有几个关于手动换刀的选项。关于它们的配置信息请参考综合手册“Integrators Manual”中“EMCIO”部
    3.5  坐标系统
    The CoordinateSystems can be confusing at first. Before running a CNC machine you mustunderstand
    the basics of the coordinate systems used by EMC. In depth information on theEMC
    Coordinate Systems is in the coordinate section 10 of this manual.
    的坐标系统的一些基本概念。关于EMC2坐标系统更深的知识在本手册第 10 章可以找到。
    3.5.1  G53 机床坐标系统
    When you homeEMC you set the G53 Machine Coordinate System to 0 for each axis homed.
    No other coordinate systems or tool offsets are changed by homing.
    The only time you move in the G53 machine coordinate system is when you programa G53 on the
    same line as a move. Normally you are in the G54 coordinate system.
    3.5.2  G54---G59.3 用户坐标系统
    Normally you usethe G54 Coordinate System. When an offset is applied to a current usercoordinate
    system a small blue ball with lines will be at the machine origin when your DROis displaying
    "Position: Relative Actual" in Axis. If your offsets are temporaryuse the Zero Coordinate System
    from the Machine menu or program G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 Z0 at the end of your G Codefile. Change the
    "P" number to suit the coordinate system you wish to clear the offsetin.
    Offsets stored in a user coordinate system are retained when EMC is shut down.
    Using the "Touch Off" button in Axis sets an offset for the chosenUser Coordinate System.
    是“ Position: Relative Actual”时,一个被线穿过的小的蓝色球将出现在机床原点位置。如果你的偏
    移是临时的,可以用“Machine->Zero Coordinate System”菜单命令删除偏移,也可以在程序尾部用“
    G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0Z0”代码删除偏移。“P”后面的数字是想要删除偏移的用户坐标系统编号。
        在AXIS用户界面中使用“Touch Off”按钮为选定的用户坐标系统设置偏移值。
    3.5.3  失位后怎么办
    If you’re havingtrouble getting 0,0,0 on the DRO when you think you should, you may have some
    offsets programmed in and need to remove them.
    Move to the Machine origin with
    G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    Clear any G92 offset with
    Use the G54 coordinate system with
    Set the G54 coordinate system to be the same as the machine coordinate systemwith
    G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 Z0
    Turn off tool offsets with
    Turn on the Relative Coordinate Display from the menu
    Now you should be at the machine origin X0 Y0 Z0 and the relative coordinatesystem should be
    the same as the machine coordinate system.
        G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
        G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 Z0
        现在你应该在机床原点X0 Y0 Z0了,相对坐标系也和机床坐标系一致了。
    第 4 章  Axis图形用户界面
    4.1  简介
    AXIS is agraphical front-end for EMC2 which features a live preview and backplot. It iswritten in
    Python and uses Tk and OpenGL to display its user interface.
    4.2  启动
    To select AXISas the front-end for EMC2, edit the .ini file. In the section [DISPLAY] changethe
    DISPLAY line to read
    DISPLAY = axis
    Then, start EMC2 and select that ini file. The sample configurationsim/axis.ini is already configured
    to use AXIS as its front-end.
    When you start AXIS, a window like the one in Figure 4.1 is shown.
        DISPLAY = axis
    4.2.1  一个典型的任务执行过程 A Typical Session
    1. Start EMC.
    2. Clear the E-STOP (F1) and turn the Machine Power (F2) on.
    3. Home all axes.
    4. Load the g-code file.
    5. Use the preview plot to verify that the program is correct.
    6. Set the proper offsets for each axis by jogging and using the Touch Offbutton.
    7. Run the program.
    8. To run the same file again, return to step 6. To run a different file, returnto step 4. When
    you’re done, exit AXIS.
        1. 启动EMC2。
        2. 清除“E-STOP”或按F1 ,然后打开机床电源,或按F2 。
        3. 原点复归所有的轴。
        4. 加载G代码文件。
        5. 使用预览功能,验证程序是否正确。
        6. 使用“jogging”功能或“Touch Off”按钮为各轴设定适当的偏移。
        7. 运行程序。
        8. 要再次运行同一程序,返回第 6 步;要运行不同的程序,返回第 4 步;如果已完成任务,退出AXIS。
    4.3  AXIS界面
    The AXIS windowcontains the following elements:
    A display area that shows a preview of the loaded file (in this case,"axis.ngc"), as well as the
    current location of the CNC machine’s "controlled point". Later, thisarea will display the path
    the CNC machine has moved through, called the "backplot"
    A menu bar and toolbar that allow you to perform various actions
    "Manual Control Tab" , which allows you to make the machine move,turn the spindle on or
    off, and turn the coolant on or off if included in the ini file.
    "MDI Tab” , where G-code programs can be entered manually, one line at atime. This also
    shows the "Active G Codes" which shows which modal G Codes are ineffect.
    "Feed Override" , which allows you to increase or decrease the speedat which EMC executes
    Feed Moves the selected program. The default maximum is 120% and can be set toa different
    value in the ini file. See the Integrators Manual for more information on thissetting.
    "Spindle Override" , which allows you to increase or decrease thespeed at which EMC commands
    the spindle to run if spindle control is configured.
    "Jog Speed" , which allows you to set the jog speed within the limitsset in the ini file. See the
    Integrators Manual for more information on the ini file.
    "Max Velocity", which allows you to set the maximum velocity forrapids and cap feed rates
    (except spindle synchronized motion) for dry runs. Currently only AXIS andHalui allow you to
    set it.
    A text display area that shows the G-code source of the loaded file.
    A status bar which shows the state of the machine. In this screen shot, themachine is turned
    on, does not have a tool inserted, and the displayed position is"Relative” to the machine offset
    (as opposed to “Absolute”), and the “Actual” (as opposed to “Commanded”position)
        “MDI”页面,在这里你可以输入G代码程序,一次一行。这个页面里还有一个“Active G Codes”
        进给微调“Feed Override”。该参数允许对EMC2正在执行的程序规定的进给速度进行增速或减
    合手册Integrators Manual。
        主轴微调“ Spindle Override”。如果EMC2配置了主轴控制功能,则使用这个参数可以对已经
        手动进给速度“Jog Speed”。允许在ini文件设定的速度限值内任意设定手动进给速度。更多信
    息请参见综合手册“Integrators Manual”。
        最大速度“Max Velocity”。为试运行设定快速进给的最大速度(不包括主轴同步运动)。目前
    示的方式等等。比如图 4.1中状态栏显示的内容为:机床处于急停状态(译者注:此处和原文不同,和
    图4.1相同),没有选择刀具,位置显示方式是相对于(Relative,是和 Absolute相对的概念)机床原
    4.3.1  菜单命令介绍
    Some menu itemsmight be grayed out depending on how you have your .ini file configured. For
    more information on configuration see the Integrators Manual.
        根据ini文件的配置,有些菜单命令是灰的,不可用的。关于ini文件的配置,参见综合手册。  文件菜单 File Menu
    Open... Opens astandard dialog box to open a g code file to load in AXIS. If you haveconfigured
    EMC to use a filter program you can also open it up. See the Integrators manualfor more
    information on filter programs.
    Recent FilesDisplays a list of recently opened files.
    Edit... Open thecurrent g code file for editing if you have an editor configured in your inifile. See
    the Integrators Manual for more information on specifying an editor to use.
    Reload reloadthe current g code file. If you edited it you must reload it for the changes totake
    affect. If you stop a file and want to start from the beginning then reload thefile. The toolbar
    reload is the same as the menu.
    Save gcode as...Save the current file with a new name.
    PropertiesProperties of the current loaded g code file.
    Edit tooltable... Same as Edit if you have defined an editor you can open the tool tableand edit it.
    Reload tooltable After editing the tool table you must reload it.
    Ladder editor Ifyou have loaded Classic Ladder you can edit it from here. See the Integrators
    Manual on setting up Classic Ladder
    Quit Terminatesthe current EMC session.
        Recent Files :显示一列最近打开的文件。
        Edit... :如果在 ini文件里面配置了编辑器,就可以在这儿用它打开当前G代码文件。关于如何
        Reload :重新加载当前G代码文件。如果你编辑了当前G代码文件,你必须重新加载它才能让修改
        Save gcode as... :用一个新名字存储当前文件。
        Properties :当前加载G代码文件的属性。
        Edit tool table... :如果在 ini文件里面配置了编辑器,就可以在这儿用它打开“tool table”
        Reload tool table :编辑刀具列表“tool table”以后,必须用这个命令重新加载。
        Ladder editor :如果你加载了“Classic Ladder”,你可以在这儿编辑它了。关于设置
    “Classic Ladder”的信息,请参见综合手册。
        Quit :终止当前EMC任务,退出。  机床菜单
    Toggle EmergencyStop F1
    Toggle Machine Power F2
    Run Program
    Run From Selected Line Select the line you want to start from first. Use withcaution as this will
    move the tool to the expected position before the line first then it willexecute the rest of the
    Step Single stepthrough a program.
    Pause Pause a program.
    Resume Resume running from a pause.
    Stop Stop a running program.
    Stop at M1 If you have a M1 in your g code and this is checked programexecution will stop on the
    M1 line. Press Resume to continue.
    Skip lines with"/" If a line begins with / and this is checked it will skip thatline.
    Clear MDI history Clears the MDI history window.
    Copy from MDI history Copies the MDI history to the clipboard
    Paste to MDI history Paste from the clipboard to the MDI history window
    Calibration This is a servo testing pop up widow for each axis. After makingchanges and testing
    them it can save them to your .ini file.
    Show HALConfiguration Opens up the HAL Configuration widow where you can monitor HAL
    Components, Pins, Parameters, Signals, Functions, and Threads.
    HAL Meter Opensup a window where you can monitor a single HAL Pin, Signal, or Parameter.
    HAL Scope Opens up a Scope window where you can set up and monitor Pins andSignals.
    Show EMC Status Opens up a window showing EMC’s status.
    Set Debug Level Opens a window where debug levels can be viewed and some can beset.
    Homing Home any or all axis.
    Unhoming Unhome any or all axis.
    Zero Coordinate System Zero work offsets.
        Toggle Emergency Stop F1 :
        Toggle Machine Power F2 :
        Run Program :
        Run From Selected Line :首先选择你想从它开始执行的行,然后用这个命令使EMC2执行该行以后
        Step :单步运行程序。
        Pause :暂停程序运行。
        Resume :使暂停的程序恢复运行。
        Stop :停止程序运行。
        Stop at M1 :如果你的G代码程序里有一个M1指令,而且选择了这个选项,程序将运行然后暂停在
        Skip lines with "/" :如果选择了这个选项,程序运行时将忽略以“”开头的行。
        Clear MDI history :清除MDI历史窗口。
        Copy from MDI history :把MDI历史窗口的内容拷贝到剪贴板。
        Paste to MDI history :把剪贴板的内容拷贝到MDI历史窗口。
        Calibration :将弹出一个伺服校准窗口,可以对每个轴进行校准,经过修改并测试通过的参数可
        Show HAL Configuration :打开HAL配置窗口,在该窗口中可以监测HAL的组件、引脚、参数、信
        HAL Meter :打开一个窗口,在该窗口中可以监测一个单个的HAL引脚、信号、参数。
        HAL Scope :打开一个示波器窗口用于建立并监测引脚、信号的波形变化。
        Show EMC Status :打开一个窗口显示EMC的状态。
        Set Debug Level :打开一个窗口显示调试级别,其中一些参数也可以在该窗口中调整。
        Homing :Home任意或所有的轴。
        Unhoming :Unhome任意或所有的轴。
        Zero Coordinate System :清零工件坐标系偏移。 视图菜单
        (译者注:这一段不必翻译)  帮助菜单 (在窗口的右上角)
    About Axis
    Quick Reference Shows the keyboard shortcut keys.
        About Axis :
        Quick Reference :显示EMC2的快捷键列表。
    4.3.2  工具栏按钮
    4.3.3  图形显示区域  坐标显示
    In theupper-left corner of the program display is the coordinate display. It showsthe position of the
    machine. To the left of the axis name, an origin symbol ( ) is shown if theaxis has been properly
    homed. To the right of the axis name, a limit symbol ( ) is shown if the axisis on one of its limit
        在程序显示区域的左上角显示的是坐标值,代表了机床的位置。如果某个轴旁边出现了原点符号( ),
    说明该轴已经成功执行原点复归操作了。如果某个轴出现了限位符号( ),说明该轴处于限位开关的位置。
    To properlyinterpret these numbers, refer to the "Position:" indicator in thestatus bar. If the
    position is "Absolute", then the displayed number is in the machinecoordinate system. If it is
    "Relative", then the displayed number is in the offset coordinatesystem. When the coordinates
    displayed are relative and an offset has been set, the display will include acyan "machine origin"
    marker ( ). If the position is "Commanded", then it is the idealposition–for instance, the exact
    coordinate given in a G0 command. If it is "Actual", then it is theposition the machine has actually
    been moved to. These values can differ for several reasons: Following error,dead band, encoder
    resolution, or step size. For instance, if you command a movement to X 0.0033on your mill, but
    one step of your stepper motor is 0.00125, then the "Commanded"position will be 0.0033 but the
    "Actual" position will be 0.0025 (2 steps) or 0.00375 (3 steps).
    标志( )。如果该指示器显示“Commanded”,则这些数字代表理想的坐标值(命令中的坐标值),比如
    但是实际的坐标将是0.0025(走两步)或者0.00375(走3步)。  预览图 Preview Plot
    When a file isloaded, a preview of it is shown in the display area. Fast moves (such as those
    produced by the G0 command) are shown as green lines. Moves at a feed rate(such as those
    produced by the G1 command) are shown as solid white lines. Dwells (such asthose produced by
    the G4 command) are shown as small "X" marks.
    G0 (Rapid) moves prior to a feed move will not show up on the preview plot.Rapid moves after a
    T<n> (Tool Change) will not show on the AXIS preview until after a feedmove. To turn either of
    these features off program a G1 without any moves prior to the G0 moves.
    令即可。  程序范围 Program Extents
    The"extents" of the program in each axis are shown. At each end, theleast or greatest coordinate
    value is indicated. In the middle, the difference between the coordinates isshown. In Figure (4.1),
    the X extent of the file is from 0.00 to 6.92 inches, a total of 6.92 inches.
    When some coordinates exceed the "soft limits" in the .ini file, therelevant dimension is shown in a
    different color and enclosed by a box. In Figure (4.2) the maximum soft limitis exceeded on the X
    axis as indicated by the box surrounding the coordinate value.
        如果此处的坐标值超出了ini文件中“soft limits”参数的规定,则超出的那个值会用不同的颜色显
    “maximum softlimit”,所以该坐标值被框包围并且用不同的颜色显示。  刀具椎体 Tool Cone
    The location ofthe tip of the tool is indicated by the "tool cone". The cone doesnot indicate anything
    about the shape, length, or radius of the tool.
    When a tool is loaded (for instance, with the MDI command T1M6), the conechanges to a cylinder
    which shows the diameter of the tool given in the tool table file.
    圆柱体的直径就是刀具文件中指定的直径。  轨迹模拟  Backplot
    When the machinemoves, it leaves a trail called the backplot. The color of the line indicatesthe
    type of motion: Yellow for jogs, faint green for rapid movements, red forstraight moves at a feed
    rate, and magenta for circular moves at a feed rate.
    是紫红色。  交互 Interacting
    By left-clickingon a portion of the preview plot, the line will be highlighted in both thegraphical
    and text displays. By left-clicking on an empty area, the highlighting will beremoved.
    By dragging with the left mouse button pressed, the preview plot will beshifted (panned).
    By dragging with shift and the left mouse button pressed, or by dragging withthe mouse wheel
    pressed, the preview plot will be rotated. When a line is highlighted, thecenter of rotation is the
    center of the line. Otherwise, the center of rotation is the center of the fileas a whole.
    By rotating the mouse wheel, or by dragging with the right mouse buttonpressed, or by dragging
    with control and the left mouse button pressed, the preview plot will be zoomedin or out.
    By clicking one of the "Preset View" icons, or by pressing"V", several preset views may be selected.
    住键盘“ shift”键,同时按住鼠标左键,拖动预览图会旋转;按住鼠标滚轮同时拖动鼠标也会让预览
    4.3.4  文本显示区域
    By left-clickinga line of the program, the line will be highlighted in both the graphical andtext
    displays in blue.
    When the program is running, the line currently being executed is highlightedin red. If no line has
    been selected by the user, the text display will automatically scroll to showthe current line.
    4.3.5  手动控制
    While themachine is turned on but not running a program, the items in the "ManualControl" tab
    can be used to move the machining center or turn different parts of it on andoff.
    When the machine is not turned on, or when a program is running, the manualcontrols are unavailable.
    Many of the items described below are not useful on all machines. When AXISdetects that a particular
    pin is not connected in HAL, the corresponding item in the Manual Control tabis removed. For
    instance, if the HAL pin motion.spindle-brake is not connected, then the"Brake" button will not
    appear on the screen. If the environment variable AXIS_NO_AUTOCONFIGURE is set,this behavior is
    disabled and all the items will appear.
        如果机床被打开并且当前没有运行一个程序,则可以用“Manual Control”页面上提供的各种功能
    到HAL,那么相对应的条目将从“Manual Control”移除。例如,如果没有连接“motion.spindle-brake”
    功能就被屏蔽了,所有的条目都会显示出来。  Axis 组
    "Axis"allows you to manually move the machine. This action is known as"jogging". First, select the
    axis to be moved by clicking it. Then, click and hold the "+" or"-" button depending on the desired
    direction of motion. The first four axes can also be moved by the arrow keys (Xand Y), PAGE UP
    and PAGE DOWN keys (Z) and the [ and ] keys (A).
    If "Continuous" is selected, the motion will continue as long as thebutton or key is pressed. If
    another value is selected, the machine will move exactly the displayed distanceeach time the button
    is clicked or the key is pressed. By default, the available values are:
    0.1000, 0.0100, 0.0010, 0.0001
    See the Configure section of the Integrators Manual for more information onsetting the increments.
    头方向键对应移动X、Y轴,“PAGE UP”和“PAGE DOWN”键移动Z轴,“[”和“]”键移动A轴。
        0.1000, 0.0100, 0.0010, 0.0001
        如何设置这些值,请参见综合手册关于配置的部分。  原点复归 Homing
    If your machinehas home switches and a homing sequence defined for all axes the button will
    read "Home All". The "Home All" button or the Ctrl-HOME keywill home all axes using the homing
    sequence. Pressing the HOME key will home the current axis, even if a homingsequence is defined.
    If your machine has home switches and no homing sequence is defined or not allaxes have a
    homing sequence the button will read "Home" and will home the selectedaxis only. Each axis must
    be selected and homed separately.
    If your machine does not have home switches defined in the configuration the"Home" button will
    set the current selected axis current position to be the absolute position 0for that axis and will set
    the "is-homed" bit for that axis.
    See the Integrators Manual for more information on homing.
        如果机床所有轴都有原点开关并且为每个轴定义了原点复归的顺序,则按钮显示为“Home All”,
    单击“Home All”按钮或按键盘组合“Ctrl-HOME”将按照原点复归顺序对所有轴执行原点复归操作。
        关于原点复归的更多信息,参见综合手册“Integrators Manual”。  “Touch Off”按钮
    By pressing"Touch Off" or the END key, the "G54 offset" for thecurrent axis is changed so that
    the current axis value will be the specified value. Expressions may be enteredusing the rules for
    rs274ngc programs, except that variables may not be referred to. The resultingvalue is shown as a
        按“Touch Off”按钮或键盘的“END”按键,打开“Touch Off”对话框,在里面可以修改工件坐
    要表达式中的变量可被引用,表达式的结果是一个数值即可。参见图4.4(英文原版图片)。  超越行程 Override Limits
    By pressing"Override Limits", the machine will temporarily be allowed to jog offof a physical limit
    switch. This check box is only available if a limit switch is tripped.
        勾选“Override Limits”选项,将临时允许机床用手动进给的方式超越物理行程开关。这个选项
    只有在行程开关被压下时才可用。  主轴组 The “Spindle” group
    The buttons onthe first row select the direction for the spindle to rotate: Counterclockwise,Stopped,
    Clockwise. Counterclockwise will only show up if the pin motion.spindle-reverseis in the hal file
    (it can be net trick-axis motion.spindle-reverse). The buttons on the next row increaseor
    decrease the rotation speed. The checkbox on the third row allows the spindlebrake to be engaged
    or released. Depending on your machine configuration, not all the items in thisgroup may appear.
    Pressing the spindle start button sets the "S" speed to 1.
        第一行按钮可以选择主轴旋转的方向:Counterclockwise(逆时针), Stopped(停止),
    hal文件中”的情况下才会出现(在你的hal文件中加入“net trick-axis motion.spindle-reverse”一
    主轴速度为“S1”。  冷却组 The “Coolant” Group
    The two buttonsallow the "Mist" and "Flood" coolants to be turned on andoff. Depending on your
    machine configuration, not all the items in this group may appear.
    4.3.6  MDI页面
    MDI, allowsG-code programs can be entered manually, one line at a time. When the machineis
    not turned on, or when a program is running, the MDI controls are unavailable.
    History: Thisshows MDI commands that have been typed earlier in this session.
    MDI Command:This allows you to enter a g-code command to be executed. Execute the command
    by pressing Enter or by clicking "Go".
    Active G-Codes:This shows the "modal codes" that are active in the interpreter. Forinstance,
    "G54" indicates that the "G54 offset" is applied to allcoordinates that are entered. When in
    Auto the Active G-Codes represent the codes after any read ahead by theinterpreter.
        History: 显示本次任务期间,前面曾经键入过的MDI命令。
        MDI Command: 在此处键入G代码命令并执行。可以按键盘“Enter”键执行或用鼠标单击“Go”按钮
        Active G-Codes: 此处显示对解释器生效的模态代码。比如如果出现“G54”,就表示将对键入的所

    4.3.7  进给覆盖 Feed Override
    By moving thisslider, the programmed feed rate can be modified. For instance, if a programrequests
    F60 and the slider is set to 120%, then the resulting feed rate will be 72.
    为120%,则实际的进给速度是72 。
    4.3.8  主轴速度覆盖 Spindle Speed Override
    By moving thisslider, the programmed spindle feed rate can be modified. For instance, if aprogram
    requests F8000 and the slider is set to 80%, then the resulting spindle speedwill be 6400. This
    item only appears when the HAL pin motion.spindle-speed-out is connected.
    设为80%,则实际的主轴速度是6400 。此选项只有在HAL引脚“motion.spindle-speed-out”被连接时才
    4.3.9  手动进给速度 Jog Speed
    By moving thisslider, the speed of jogs can be modified. For instance, if the slider is setto 1 in/min,
    then a .01 inch jog will complete in about .6 seconds, or 1/100 of a minute.Near the left side (slow
    jogs) the values are spaced closely together, while near the right side (fastjogs) they are spaced
    much further apart, allowing a wide range of jog speeds with fine control whenit is most important.
    On machines with a rotary axis, a second jog speed slider is shown. This slidersets the jog rate for
    the rotary axes (A, B and C).
        移动滑块,可以修改手动进给速度。例如,设定滑块到1 in/min,则手动进给0.01 in将花费0.6秒或
    1/100 分钟。在滑动条左端(低速进给段)的值分布的密一些,而右端的值分布的稀疏一些,这样就有一
    一个进给速度滑动条,可以为旋转轴(A, B and C)设定进给速度。
    4.3.10  最大速度 Max Velocity
    By moving thisslider, the maximum velocity can be set. This caps the maximum velocity of axisno
    matter what is programed in the g code file.
    4.4  键盘控制 Keyboard Controls
    Almost allactions in AXIS can be accomplished with the keyboard. A full list of keyboardshortcuts
    can be found in the AXIS Quick Reference, which can be displayed by choosingHELP > QUICK
    REFERENCE. Many of the shortcuts are unavailable when in MDI mode.
        几乎对轴的所有操作都能用键盘完成。菜单命令“HELP > QUICK REFERENCE”可以打开“AXIS Quick
    Feed OverrideKeys
    The Feed Override keys behave differently when in Manual Mode. The keys‘12345678 will select
    an axis if it is programed. If you have 3 axis then ‘ will select axis 0, 1will select axis 1 and 2 will
    select axis 2. The remainder of the number keys will still set the FeedOverride. When running a
    program ‘1234567890 will set the Feed Override to 0% - 100%.
    The most frequently used keyboard shortcuts are shown in Table 6.1.
        在运行程序时,快捷键“`1234567890”全部用于设定进给覆盖速度:从0%---100% 。
    4.5  显示EMC状态 Show EMC Status
    AXIS includes aprogram called "emctop" which shows some of the details of EMC’sstate. You can
    run this program by invoking MACHINE > SHOW EMC STATUS
    The name of eachitem is shown in the left column. The current value is shown in the rightcolumn.
    If the value has recently changed, it is shown on a red background.
    4.6 MDI页面 MDI interface
    AXIS includes aprogram called "MDI" which allows text-mode entry of MDI commands toa running
    EMC session. You can run this program by opening a terminal and typing
    mdi /path/to/emc.nml
    Once it is running, it displays the prompt MDI>. When a blank line isentered, the machine’s current
    position is shown. When a command is entered, it is sent to EMC to be executed.
    This is a sample session of mdi.
    $ mdi ~/emc2/configs/sim/emc.nml
    (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    MDI> G1 F5 X1
    (0.5928500000000374, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    (1.0000000000000639, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        mdi /path/to/emc.nml (译者注:在我的版本上只需键入mdi就可以了,而且找不到emc.nml文件。)
        $ mdi ~/emc2/configs/sim/emc.nml  (译者注:在我的版本上只需键入mdi就可以了。)
        (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        MDI> G1 F5 X1
        (0.5928500000000374, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        (1.0000000000000639, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    4.7  axis-remote 程序
    AXIS includes aprogram called "axis-remote" which can send certain commands to arunning
    AXIS. The available commands are shown by running axis-remote --help andinclude checking
    whether AXIS is running (--ping), loading a file by name, reloading thecurrently loaded file
    (--reload), and making AXIS exit (--quit).
    可以用“axis-remote --help”查看可用的命令。可用的命令包括:检查AXIS界面是否运行(--ping)、
    4.8  手动换刀 Manual Tool Change
    EMC2 includes auserspace hal component called "hal_manualtoolchange", which shows awindow
    (Figure 4.7) when a M6 command is issued. After the OK button is pressed,execution of the program
    will continue.
    The HAL configuration file configs/sim/axis_manualtoolchange.hal shows the HALcommands
    necessary to use this component.
    hal_manualtoolchange can be used even when AXIS is not used as the GUI. Thiscomponent is most
    useful if you have presettable tools and you use the tool table.
    Important Note: Rapids will not show on the preview after a T<n> isissued until the next feed move
    after the M6. This can be very confusing to most users. To turn this featureoff for the current tool
    change program a G1 with no move after the T<n>.
        即使不用AXIS做界面,这个组件也可以被使用。当你有预设的刀具并使用刀库(tool table)时这
    4.9  Python模块 Python Modules
    AXIS includesseveral Python modules which may be useful to others. For more information onone
    of these modules, use "pydoc <module name>" or read the sourcecode. These modules include:
    emc provides access to the emc command, status, and error channels
    gcode provides access to the rs274ngc interpreter
    rs274 provides additional tools for working with rs274ngc files
    hal allows the creation of userspace HAL components written in Python
    _togl provides an OpenGL widget that can be used in Tkinter applications
    minigl provides access to the subset of OpenGL used by AXIS
    To use these modules in your own scripts, you must ensure that the directorywhere they reside
    is on Python’s module path. When running an installed version of EMC2, thisshould happen
    automatically. When running "in-place", this can be done by usingscripts/emc-environment.
        AXIS包含了几个Python模块可被其它程序使用。使用“pydoc <module name>”命令或者阅读源代码
        emc :提供emc命令、状态、错误通道的接口。
        gcode :提供rs274ngc G代码解释器的接口。
        rs274 :提供处理rs274ngc文件的额外工具。
        hal :允许创建Python语言编写的用户空间HAL组件。
        _togl :提供用于Tkinter应用程序的OpenGL小零件。
        minigl :提供用于AXIS的OpenGL的子集的接口。
    安装版的EMC2,这个问题在安装EMC2时被自动解决了,否则,可以运行“ scripts/emc-environment”脚
    4.10  车床模式 Lathe Mode
    By including theline
    in the [DISPLAY] section of the ini file, AXIS selects lathe mode. The"Y" axis is not shown in
    coordinate readouts, the view is changed to show the Z axis extending to theright and the X axis
    extending towards the bottom of the screen, and several controls (such as thosefor preset views)
    are removed.
    Pressing "V" zooms out to show the entire file, if one is loaded.
    When in lathe mode, the shape of the loaded tool (if any) is shown.
    4.11  高级配置
    For moreinformation on ini file settings that can change how AXIS works see the INIFile/Sections/[DISPLAY]
    Section of Configuration chapter in the Integrators manual.
        关于如何设置ini文件从而改变AXIS工作方式的更多信息,参见综合手册Integrators manual的
    4.11.1  程序过滤器 Program Filters
    AXIS has theability to send loaded files through a "filter program". This filtercan do any desired
    task: Something as simple as making sure the file ends with ’M2’, or somethingas complicated as
    detecting whether the input is a depth image, and generating g-code to mill theshape it defines.
    The [FILTER] section of the ini file controls how filters work. First, for eachtype of file, write a
    PROGRAM_EXTENSION line. Then, specify the program to execute for each type offile. This program
    is given the name of the input file as its first argument, and must writers274ngc code to standard
    output. This output is what will be displayed in the text area, previewed inthe display area, and
    executed by EMC when "Run". The following lines add support for the"image-to-gcode" converter
    included with EMC2:
    PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .png,.gif Greyscale Depth Image
    png = image-to-gcode
    gif = image-to-gcode
    工作如“判断该文件是否以M2结尾”,或者复杂工作如“判断该文件是否是深度图像,生成 G代码并按照
    形状把它加工出来”都可以做。ini 文件的“FILTER”段就是控制过滤程序工作的段。首先,对每个类型
    的文件都要写一个“PROGRAM_EXTENSION ”行,然后指定处理每一类文件的处理程序(过滤程序),该处
        PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .png,.gif Greyscale Depth Image
        png = image-to-gcode
        gif = image-to-gcode
    It is alsopossible to specify an interpreter:
    PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script
    py = python
    In this way, any Python script can be opened, and its output is treated as g-code.One such example
    script is available at nc_files/holecircle.py. This script creates g-code fordrilling a series of
    holes along the circumference of a circle.
        PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script
        py = python
    If theenvironment variable AXIS_PROGRESS_BAR is set, then lines written to stderr ofthe form
    will set the AXIS progress bar to the given percentage. This feature should beused by any filter that
    runs for a long time.
        如果环境变量“AXIS_PROGRESS_BAR”被设置,则(过滤器程序)用以下格式写“stderr”会设置 AXIS进
    4.11.2  X 资源数据库 The X Resource Database
    The colors ofmost elements of the AXIS user interface can be customized through the XResource
    Database. The sample file axis_light_background changes the colors of thebackplot window to a
    "dark lines on white background" scheme, and also serves as a referencefor the configurable items
    in the display area. The sample file axis_big_dro changes the position readoutto a larger size
    font. To use these files:
    xrdb -merge /usr/share/doc/emc2/axis_light_background
    xrdb -merge /usr/share/doc/emc2/axis_big_dro
        AXIS用户接口的大多数要素的颜色可以通过X资源数据库“X Resource Database”修改。例子文件
        xrdb -merge/usr/share/doc/emc2/axis_light_background
        xrdb -merge /usr/share/doc/emc2/axis_big_dro
    For informationabout the other items which can be configured in Tk applications, see the Tkman
    Because modern desktop environments automatically make some settings in the XResource Database
    that adversely affect AXIS, by default these settings are ignored. To make theX Resource Database
    items override AXIS defaults, include the following line in your X Resources:
    *Axis*optionLevel: widgetDefault
    this causes the built-in options to be created at the option level"widgetDefault", so that X Resources
    (which are level "userDefault") can override them.
        关于Tk应用程序能够配置的其它项目的更多信息,参见Tk的“man page”。
        因为现代的桌面系统环境自动设置几个会反向影响AXIS的“X Resource Database”参数,所以AXIS
    默认会忽略掉这些设置,要让这些设置生效并覆盖AXIS的默认设置,在“X Resources”中包含下面的行:
        *Axis*optionLevel: widgetDefault
        这将使AXIS的内建选项被创建为“widgetDefault”级别,于是“X Resources”选项(级别是
    4.11.3   外部进给轮 Physical jog wheels
    To improve theinteraction of AXIS with physical jog wheels, the axis currently selected inthe GUI
    is also reported on a pin with a name like axisui.jog.x. Except for a shorttime when the active
    axis has just been changed, exactly one of these pins is TRUE at one time, andthe rest are FALSE.
    After AXIS has created these HAL pins, it executes the halfile named in[HAL]POSTGUI_HALFILE.
    Unlike [HAL]HALFILE, only one such file may be used.
    4.11.4  axisrc 文件
    If it exists,the contents of ~/.axisrc are executed as Python source code just before theAXIS gui
    is displayed. The details of what may be written in the axisrc are subject tochange during the
    development cycle.
    The following adds Control-Q as a keyboard shortcut for Quit and turns on"Distance to go" by
    root_window.bind("<Control-q>", "destroy .")
    help2.append(("Control-Q", "Quit"))
    “Distance to go”)坐标显示。
        root_window.bind("<Control-q>","destroy .")
        help2.append(("Control-Q", "Quit"))
    4.11.5  外部编辑器 External Editor
    The menu optionsFile > Edit... and File > Edit Tool Table... become available afterdefining
    the editor in the ini section [DISPLAY]. Useful values include EDITOR=gedit and
    EDITOR=gnome-terminal -e vim. For more information, see the DISPLAY section ofthe INI
    Configuration Chapter in the Integrators Manual.
        菜单命令“File > Edit...”和“File > Edit Tool Table...”只有在ini文件的“DISPLAY”段
    中定义了编辑器以后才可用,能够使用的编辑器包括“EDITOR=gedit”和“EDITOR=gnome-terminal -e vim”。
    4.11.6  虚拟控制面板 Virtual Control Panel
    AXIS can displaya custom virtual control panel in the right-hand pane. You can program buttons,
    indicators, data displays and more. For more information, see the IntegratorsManual.
        AXIS可以在界面右边显示一个用户定制的虚拟控制面板“virtual control panel”,可以在上面
    放置按钮、指示器、数据显示等等。更多信息参见综合手册Integrators Manual 。
    4.11.7  特殊注释 Special Comments
    Special commentscan be inserted into the G Code file to control how the preview of AXIS behaves.In
    the case where you want to limit the drawing of the preview use these specialcomments. Anything
    between the (AXIS,hide) and (AXIS,show) will not be drawn during the preview.The (AXIS,hide) and
    (AXIS,show) must be used in pairs with the (AXIS,hide) being first. Anythingafter a (AXIS,stop) will
    not be drawn during the preview.
    These comments are useful to unclutter the preview display (for instance whiledebugging a larger
    g-code file, one can disable the preview on certain parts that are alreadyworking OK).
    (AXIS,hide) Stops the preview (must be first)
    (AXIS,show) Resumes the preview (must follow a hide)
    (AXIS, stop) Stops the preview from here to the end of the file.
    可以使用这些特殊注释。在轨迹预览过程中,任何处于“(AXIS,hide)”和“ (AXIS,show)”之间的
    G代码轨迹不会被画出来,“(AXIS,hide)”和“ (AXIS,show)”必须成对使用且“(AXIS,hide)”在
        (AXIS,hide) :停止轨迹预览(必须在前)。
        (AXIS,show) :恢复轨迹预览(必须跟在hide后面)。
        (AXIS,stop) :从当前位置直到文件结束都禁止轨迹预览。

    (译者注:5、6、7、8 章暂不翻译,下面翻译第 9 章)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

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